Friday, 21 March 2014

Sensation & Perception - Crash Course #5

As soon as I saw the topic for this video, I thought wow this would have been so useful to me last semester when I was actually taking PSY280 Perception. Oh well.

Sensation and perception is really interesting to me. Sensation being the process by which we recieve outside stimuli such as smell, taste, touch, and sound. Perception being the way this stimuli is organized and interpreted into context. It's interesting because I know a lot of people who don't understand the difference. They just mesh sensation and perception together and say the thing we hear is a dog barking and the dog barking is the thing we hear, and that's it. It's a bit infuriating to me since this concept is relatively easy to understand.

Although again, most of this stuff was review. I still did appreciate the way he goes about explaining each concept, with easy to understand words and very useful graphics. For example, when he explained parallel processing.

This diagram just makes everything so much easier to understand and I never really got to see something like this when I took PSY280. Even though I'm not very fond of clowns.

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