Like all first classes, first chapters, and introductions, episode 1 of CrashCourse Psychology starts off it's series with the question of what psychology means and where it comes from including a brief overview of the many psychologists and behaviourists that contributed to the field of psychology throughout time. Everyone from B.F. Skinner to William James, and focusing a great deal on Siegmund Freud.
This method of introduction is very similar to the introductions to all the PSY courses I've taken, including PSY100, PSY270, PSY280, and PSY260 with it's chapter 1 focusing on philosophical roots and experimental psychologists. This is probably a very effective method of starting off psychology learning, considering I knew/remembered almost everything that was mentioned in this video from prior memory.
Not only this, the presentation of this information, even though I had already learned it, was kept captivating through the use of interesting dialogue and snappy side comments as well as flashy visual effects. I had to say, this is a very unique way of teaching and keeping learning interesting. The graphics are colourful and cute, and the information is said in a relatable way. It might just have been the way videos are, but it felt like he was talking to you one-on-one more so than the way lectures are normally taught, and this gives a nice personal feel.
The video ended off with a final definition of psychology being "The study of behaviour and mental processes". Overall, I think this video should be successful in getting people to find psychology interesting and it makes you want to watch and learn more. I certainly do.
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